resumen de mi vida

Hello, good morning, my name is Maday Ramírez Herverth, I was born in the city of Puebla; but currently I live in the city of Tehuacán Puebla, I am currently studying at the baccalaureate level the second semester.

In my free time, I usually watch series or movies on weekends, almost every day I play pubg movile, I exercise twice a week, it is very rare that I go out to play soccer, every Thursday, Friday and Saturday I practice piano .
There are many things I can do like:

 I can touch my nose with my tongue, I can play the piano, I can put my foot in my head, I can play soccer and play volleyball.

But there are also many things that I can not do, like swimming, skating, I can not speak English; I can not write in italics, I can not walk with my hands, I can not drive.

Things I like to do: eat chocolate, I like to practice sports, especially soccer, I like to watch series, I like to learn to play instruments, I like to sleep, I like the sea.

Things I do not like: eating catsup, food that is sweet and salty at the same time, I do not like hypocrites, I do not like to get up early, I do not like rock music or heavy metal, nor ballads, nor reggaeton.

Thanks for everything.


  1. Hello, I also like chocolate, watch series and practice sports.
    I do not like rock or reggaeton either.


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